20211118 國際醫材創新設計年會在台灣
BME IDEA APAC 2021國際醫材創新設計年會」
BME IDEA APAC 2021年會活動報名
地點:11/18 - 台北醫學大學校本部杏春樓展演廳 / 11/19 - 線上會議
「BME IDEA APAC 2021國際醫材創新設計年會」首次於台灣舉辦並由台北醫學大學主辦,透過此國際研討會營造國際生醫創新創業生態圈及生醫人才之培育與交流,並深化國際間醫療創新合作,讓醫材開發能更迅速且符合國際市場,同時媒合國際醫療創新醫材開發相關單位,加強國際醫材產學研醫之友好合作關係
(一) 本年會全程將以英文進行
(二) 實體會議參與人數將視疫情指揮中心防疫措施滾動式調整,如因防疫容留人數措施致使報名者無法實體參與,主辦單位將寄發線上直播連結。
(三) 主辦單位視疫情狀況保有隨時修改(包括調整供餐、會議形式、會議場地與參與人數)及終止本活動之權利。
Time : 11/18(Thu) to 11/19(Fri)
Venue : 11/18 - Xing Chun Building, TMU / 11/19 - Virtual meeting
Firstly held in Taiwan and organized by Taipei Medical University, the BME IDEA APAC 2021 Annual Summit aims to develop entrepreneurial ecosystems and advance talents cultivation for biomedical alliance from the globe. With this resounding opportunity the event helps to deepen international collaboration, to create quicker product development process and better market access strategy for medical device and strengthen international partnership between industry expert, academia, researcher and clinical practitioner.
(1) The summit will be held in English.
(2) Number of participants for onsite event will be adjusted according to the CECC’s Epidemic Prevention and Control Plan. Registrants who cannot participate onsite due to limit of indoor gathering will receive a virtual conferencing link prior to the event's date.
(3) Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the organizer reserves the right at any time to make changes (including but not limited to meal supply, form of the event, venue and number of participants) or cancel the event.